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Organizers / Contact

Below, please find the current agenda for MSW 8.5. All events will be held at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), specifically at the UIC Student Center West (828 S. Wolcott Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60612, Google Maps). As the midwest spans two different time zones, please note that UIC is on Central Time.

10:30am–11:00amArrival and Registration
Please aim to arrive around 10:30am to pick up your badge.
2nd Floor Common Area
11:00am–11:10amWelcome and Overview
MSW 8.5 Organizers: Chris Kanich, Jason Polakis, Christina Garman, Blase Ur
Thompson Room AB
11:10am–12:00pmKeynote: The Impacts of Generative AI, Including How to Protect Artists from Style Mimicry by Text-to-Image Models
Rana Hanocka Shawn Shan
Rana Hanocka and Shawn Shan, University of Chicago

Over the last few years, Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. This keynote will highlight Generative AI's potential for spurring and otherwise advancing creativity, but also discuss its potential negative impacts and discuss one recently proposed defense. First, Rana Hanocka will discuss the recent trajectory of Generative AI with a focus on her group's own work using Generative AI within the context of 3D graphics and computer vision, especially techniques based on deep learning. Next, Shawn Shan will present work he led (in collaboration with Rana and others) on protecting artists from recent text-to-image diffusion models like MidJourney and Stable Diffusion from learning to mimic their artistic style and thus displacing professional artists. Specifically, he will discuss Glaze, a tool that enables artists to apply "style cloaks" to their artworks before sharing them online. Finally, there will be an extended Q&A session with Rana, Shawn, and the full Midwest Security Workshop community of attendees, which we intend to spark a conversation about future directions for the security community to help protect against Generative AI's negative impacts while continuing to enable its positive impacts.

Rana Hanocka is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago. She founded and directs 3DL ("threedle"), a group of enthusiastic researchers passionate about 3D, machine learning, and visual computing. Rana's research focuses on building artificial intelligence for 3D data, spanning the fields of computer graphics, machine learning, and computer vision. Ultimately, she is interested in harnessing the potential of deep learning and generative AI techniques to enable effective operation on unstructured 3D geometric data. She obtained her Ph.D. in 2021 from Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Daniel Cohen-Or and Raja Giryes.

Shawn Shan is a 4th-year Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago SAND Lab, co-advised by Professor Ben Y. Zhao and Professor Heather Zheng. His research focuses on providing technical solutions for people to fight back unethical AI systems. The Glaze project Shawn led was recognized with a USENIX Security Symposium Distinguished Paper Award and USENIX 2023 Internet Defense Prize, and its software has been downloaded over a million times. Shawn received his bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science from the University of Chicago, and he has spent two summers at Meta as a software engineer.
Thompson Room AB
Lunch will be on your own. There are a number of chain restaurants (Pita Pita, Chipotle, Five Guys, Buffalo Wild Wings, Cinnabon, Chick-fil-A) at the intersection of Damen Ave. and Ogden Ave., which is a 7-minute walk from the student center.
1:30pm–2:40pmBreak-out Discussion Sessions
We will have five different rooms, each representing a clustering around a research topic. We hope for these discussions to spread awareness about each other's research and especially to seed future collaborations.
 Abigail Marsh (Macalester) discussing Usable Security in 213AB
 Anrin Chakraborti (UIC) discussing Cryptography in 206AB
 Gang Wang (UIUC) discussing Network Security in 218 SRH
 Jason Polakis (UIC) discussing Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Thompson Room AB
 Xiaoguang Wang (UIC) discussing Systems Security in Thompson Room C
See per-session locations on the left
2:40pm–3:00pmCoffee Break
We will provide coffee and light snacks.
2nd Floor Common Area
3:00pm–4:30pmSpeed Advising
Our popular speed advising sessions enable students to meet for 10-15 minutes each with faculty from other universities. Mentors will stay in place, and students will come to them. When not meeting with a mentor, students are encouraged to continue meeting each other in the 2nd Floor Common Area. Speed advising assignments are now available.
See mentors' room locations; otherwise, hang out in the 2nd Floor Common Area
4:30pm–4:40pmConcluding Remarks
MSW 8.5 Organizers: Chris Kanich, Jason Polakis, Christina Garman, Blase Ur
Thompson Room AB